|font:Courier New||B:O|Keeping abreast of American politics deserves a semester's worth of credits alone. But you've got to do it to ace that political science class. On AOL you can select Newsstand from the main menu and then search Time magazine, @times (The New York Times), The Chicago Tribune, and the San Jose Mercury News, plus other publications covering news and current events.|CR||CR||CR||CR||B:1|1/4 ^|font:Courier New||B:O|For primary coverage of hearings and press conferences, look at C-Span (keyword: CSPAN) and Congressional Quarterly (keyword: CONGRESSIONAL). The CQ area has lots of information on inside-the-Beltway doings; click on Washington News and Issues, Governing magazine, or Inside Congress, and in each do a keyword search on health care. You might also consider engaging a librarian or independent research professional to do a targeted search for you on Dialog, Nexis, or Dow Jones News/Retrieval.|CR||B:1|2/4^|font:Courier New||B:O|Out on the broad plains of the Internet, the Library of Congress Gopher (gopher marvel.loc.gov) is the first site to go to for research related to the federal government or any aspect of the political process. Once you've arrived at the Library of Congress, browse the listings of current and pending federal legislation, congressional testimony, and political speeches. You'll find a lot of primary source material, including direct quotes by major players in the national policy-making arena.|CR||B:1|3/4^|font:Courier New||B:O|The Library of Congress has links to other federal Gophers, including those maintained by the United States House of Representatives and Senate. Its link to the American Politics Gopher at Northwestern University is worth a look-see. Before you leave the Library of Congress site, though, check out the general "card" catalog (under Research and Reference) for our nation's library the ultimate collection of books, journals, documents, art, video, and sound recordings...a researcher's dream. |CR||CR||B:1|4/4|CR|